broader-based local government
広域行政{こういき ぎょうせい}
broader based local government
local government on a broader unit area
: 広域行政{こういき ぎょうせい}
local government
: local government 地方官庁 ちほうかんちょう
based on local circumstances
: 周辺状況{しゅうへん じょうきょう}をかんがみて[に応じて?に基づいて]
based on the local cultural circumstance
: その地方{ちほう}の文化的環境{ぶんか てき かんきょう}に基づいて
based upon local circumstances
bolster local government finances
: 地方財政{ちほう ざいせい}を強化{きょうか}する
criticize the local government's attitude
: その地方行政{ちほう ぎょうせい}の姿勢{しせい}を批判{ひはん}する
decentralization of government to local jurisdictions
: 地方分権{ちほう ぶんけん}
direct claim to a local government
: direct claim to a local government 直接請求 ちょくせつせいきゅう
e-local government
: 電子地方自治体{でんし ちほう じちたい}
financial management of local government
: 地方財務
grants to local government
: 地方交付税{ちほう こうふぜい}
institute of local government
: {組織} : (財)地方自治協会
local government activities
: 地方自治体{ちほう じちたい}の活動{かつどう}
"broader perspective" 意味
"broader question" 意味
"broader relationship the agreement facilitated" 意味
"broader term" 意味
"broader than invention" 意味
"broadest muscle of back" 意味
"broadfaced" 意味
"broadgate" 意味
"broadgauge" 意味
"broader term" 意味
"broader than invention" 意味
"broadest muscle of back" 意味
"broadfaced" 意味
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